Cooperative Education & 实习

What is the value of an internship?

An internship's value cannot be quantified, but at a time when people of all ages are seeking employment, one thing that will set applicants apart is experience. As a new graduate, the only experience you have to offer is that of earning your college degree; and while that is vital, it speaks volumes to add experience to that degree.

As for the personal value, an internship provides an opportunity to clarify your career choice; a moment to confirm your future! Sometimes it helps to hear from peers who have taken advantage of internship opportunities.

A student speaks with a representative from Lockeed Martin at the Career Fair

The goal of the Cooperative Education & Internship Office is to help you enhance your education with hands-on experience. Co-op education is a process that formally integrates an undergraduate student's academic studies with productive work experiences in a 专业设置. The word "cooperative" signifies a mentoring relationship between  you, the employer and the University. The important thing to remember is that students (you) reap the benefits of this relationship.

We work with students to find experiences that provide learning environments and challenging work assignments that are related to their academic and career goals. 中心 Career Development and 实习, along with the employer and a faculty 协调员 will monitor student work assignments as well as provide on-going mentoring.

Requirements for Eligibility

  • Full-time undergraduate standing
  • At least sophomore standing
  • 至少2.00 grade-point average
  • Signed permission from the student's advisor and department chairperson's approval prior to internship placement.

Undergraduate students who meet academic standards and have completed a minimum of 30 credits are eligible to participate in the fall, spring, or summer programs.



Students in the program are able to

  • See the relationships between course work and actual jobs
  • Meet potential employers
  • Gain employment references
  • Establish relationships with mentors
  • Use high-tech laboratory and computer facilities
  • Gain entry into companies that interest them
  • 改善就业前景
  • 获得学分
  • Three credits = 15 hrs/week, 150 total hours
  • Six credits = 20 hrs/week, 200 total hours 

Where Our Students Intern

Our students intern with top companies, including:

  • 谷歌
  • 苹果
  • 丰田
  • 空气化工产品公司
  • PPL电
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • 伯克希尔哈撒韦公司
  • 华特迪士尼公司
  • Bakertilly
  • 德勤
  • 好时
  • 洛克希德·马丁公司
  • P&G
  • Gentex公司
  • MassMutual
  • 取得能源
  • 赛诺菲安万特
  • BAE系统公司

Earning Academic Credit

Wilkes undergraduates can be involved in part- or full-time cooperative education employment or part-time professional internships for academic credit. 学生一般 decide to intern or co-op on a part-time basis while completing degree requirements during 12-14 week semesters.

Each co-op student or intern is assigned to a Wilkes faculty 协调员 who has a background related to the student's career experience. Students fulfill learning objectives, which are developed with the guidance of a site supervisor (employer) and a faculty 协调员.

Students are required to complete:

  • Weekly reaction papers
  • 两周工作时间表
  • An academic term project

Cooperative Education credit appears on students' transcripts as Cooperative Education 399A for 3 credits or 399B for 6 credits. 学生可能会收到 more departmental credits for a full-time professionally appropriate and academically challenging position, with the approval of the department chairperson. 一些学生 carry course loads that do not allow the commitment necessary to earn three co-op credits; lesser-credit options are available. If a portion of the credit is taken in a participating department, a special department course number appears on the transcript.

Since Cooperative Education is a credit-granting program, normal tuition policies are followed during the fall and spring semesters. Tuition costs for the summer sessions are one-half of the current tuition rates.


If you have any questions, please contact:


(570) 408-4063